Dangerous Goods

Dangerous GoodsDangerous Goods

Dangerous goods are liquid or solid substances and articles containing them, that have been tested and assessed against internationally-agreed criteria - a process called classification - and found to be potentially dangerous (hazardous) when carried. Dangerous goods are assigned to different Classes depending on their predominant hazard.

There are regulations to deal with the carriage of dangerous goods, the purpose of which is to protect everyone either directly involved (such as consignors or carriers), or who might become involved (such as members of the emergency services and public). Regulations place duties upon everyone involved in the carriage of dangerous goods, to ensure that they know what they have to do to minimise the risk of incidents and guarantee an effective response.



Export Services:

Export Services to Any Point on the Globe
 Access Freight Limited customers are offered comprehensive, customized ocean export services on a wide choice of strategic vessel carriers, as well as a range of services including ocean forwarding to all points on the globe.